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Free Downloadable February 2015 Desktop Calendar

Continuing through this whole year of 2015, I'm offering my free downloadable desktop wallpaper calendars of my artwork every month.  February's calendar is from a night photography shoot I did in Venice, Italy. It features the largest bridge in Venice and a well known historical landmark, the Rialto Bridge.

I chose this photo for February's calendar because when I think of February two things come to mind: Carnevale and Valentine's Day. I recently wrote a post all about how fabulous visiting Venice during Carnevale can be, you can read it here. This brought to mind the city of Venice. After visiting […]

Carnevale in Venice!

Now that it is towards the end of January, in Europe carnival season is about to begin. Living in Italy for nearly 4 years and being in close proximity to Venice, gave me a chance to see Carnevale at it's best. If anybody is around Venice during this season you should definitely give it a go. Venice is fabulous in itself, it truly is a very unique city, but during Carnevale the city comes to a bright and energetic life that only is seen at this time.

"Silver" From Portraits of the Masked collection

The history of Carnevale di Venezia […]

A Night in Venice

Grand Canal at Night

The first time I arrived in Venice after hopping off the train and walking down the steps outside the train station, I was in awe of this beautiful city. It was love at first sight. My husband was right there falling in love with it as well. As you can imagine I took a lot of photos that first trip. We spent the whole day there, walking through the streets, crossing the bridges, enjoying gelato, and a score of other things we enjoyed there.

After living in northeast Italy for four years, I had many travel […]