Blog Archives

One Way to Improve Your Composition

This photo tip is on the subject of composition. 

Composition is the placement of visual elements in an art work, basically meaning of why your photos look a certain way. The way a photo looks or a piece of art is important because it changes how we see it, the emotions it can evoke, and how it tells a story. So learning how to improve your composition can be very important.

The compositional rule of Simplification basically means: "When in doubt leave it out." Literally, if it isn't lending to the story your photograph is trying to tell, don't include in […]

52 Week Challenge – Weeks 1-4

Well now that January is almost over I have completed 4 weeks of my 52 week photography challenge. For these first 4 weeks I have focused my attention on still life photography. With each week I have photographed an object in different styles challenging myself to do the same genre of photography but in 4 different ways.

Week 1's photo I have already talked about in detail in my post entitled: A New Year, A New Challenge. Here I talked about this challenge in general and my photography for the first week. That style is more of an in-movement portrait-esque photo of […]

A New Year, A New Challenge

My 52 week photography challenge

This year I have several goals in mind for my photography and my business. One of those goals for this year is doing a 52 week photography challenge. Encouraged by a local group of photographers who are doing this year long challenge, I decided this would be a great idea to push myself to be more creative this year. So every week in 2015 I will be doing a new photo and posting it to the world. I will be sharing them on my facebook page and other social media. I will be also creating a page with these images on my website […]