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Don’t Forget About Reflections

Today's photography tip is about watching out for reflections. 

When you are out and about photographing we tend to get really involved in the subject and sometimes forget to watch out for smaller details. Reflections tend to be some of those details in a photo shoot that can get forgotten about. Whether you might be accidentally getting another person or animal in your shot that you didn't want or even getting yourself, you need to check for those reflections while you are photographing. Sure these things sometimes can be edited out but it is always nicer and a time saver […]

Four Tips For Better Photos of Your Children

Taking photos of your children or even anybody's child is often difficult, especially when they are very young. Sometimes it takes more than just having patience. So today's photography tip is three ways to improve the photos you take of your children.

Don't use a flash - the on camera flash is harsh lighting and can scare some children. Set your camera settings so you don't need the extra light or move closer to a window or light source if you need more lighting.
Follow them around - you can get more natural photos of your child if you let […]

One Way to Improve Your Composition

This photo tip is on the subject of composition. 

Composition is the placement of visual elements in an art work, basically meaning of why your photos look a certain way. The way a photo looks or a piece of art is important because it changes how we see it, the emotions it can evoke, and how it tells a story. So learning how to improve your composition can be very important.

The compositional rule of Simplification basically means: "When in doubt leave it out." Literally, if it isn't lending to the story your photograph is trying to tell, don't include in […]

How to Get the Most Out of Your Photo Session

Candid shots during a session can be beautiful, try to be natural with your kids.

We all want to get the most out of our photo sessions, we pay good money for them and spend a good amount of time preparing for them. First and foremost is to do your research to find a photographer to fit your stylistic needs. Photography is an art form and every photographer shoots differently. After finding that photographer here are some suggestions that should help you to get the most out your photo session.


Letting the photographer get the kids attention and the adults focus on themselves […]

8 Tips for Improving Your People and Pet Photos

The majority of what most people photograph are people and pets. Whether they are using a professional camera, a point and shoot, or their phone cameras, most people take photos of their friends, family, kids, and pets. So I put together a small list of helpful tips to help you improve your photos with this subject matter.

Tips for taking better photos of people/pets:

Move in closer to the subject – cut out all the noise and background distractions. Even move the subject (if you can) to be in front of a more simple background.
Even though there is a […]